Several of my gay friends liked the new picture--no brainer there, but most impressive was to see several of my "hetero" friends and a couple of family members who are very much allies in gay causes change their own profile pictures the same--several times during the day I chocked up tears of joy--it was electrifying to see more and more people change their pictures to red or some kind of version of it and voicing their support and cheers for us homos...
**I know several of my LDS and/or conservative friends and family are supportive, no question there, but oddly enough most were awkwardly silent all this time--I understand what it feels like to be afraid of what others will think, that people will interpret their 'likes' or even semi-friendly comments the wrong way--I get it. I would like to think that they were silently cheering for gay people in general but most important, thinking of my partner and I--instead of silently disagreeing or hating; and at the end of the day--have to admit that it is kind of hard not to take it personally-
"Sometimes actions
Speak Louder
than words"
-heck even an outward disagreement but in good respect would have probably been welcome--oh well, such is life and it is what it is; I'd like to think that I should just leave alone but how? I'll have to think more about this issue eventually, but for now I can not and will not let it bother me.
Of course anything that becomes viral has the chance of getting out of hand--the following pictures have the potential to go either way, so just for pure amusement and delight:
How about some equality bacon? |
How about companies jumping on the Marketing fray? A local hotel that is likely grabbing lots of customers now! |
Dogs will never discriminate against you--ha!! |
In all seriousness:
This movement is happening--now or people will keep fighting for it to happen later. There's no going back. I know there are those who don't agree or don't understand and they may mask it all under the banner of:
"I love my gay friends/relatives
even if I disagree with
their lifestyle"
If you think this way, please, get off your high horse!!
way I see this whole issue is more about breaking barriers of
misunderstanding if we just give people who are 'not like us' a chance.
We live in a global society, rich in diversity, beliefs and customs that
can enhance each others lives immensely. What we each believe in is irrelevant--it has
more to do with how we treat each other because whether we live next
door or 2000 miles away we're all connected and it affects our lives
directly. In this day and age it is unfathomable to think that gay marriage would affect anyone negatively. There has been gay marriage in countries of Europe, Canada, Argentina, South Africa and even Mexico that have not affected morals, religions or society--for heaven's sake, why is the United States behind the times?
Gay marriage is not
out to destroy anyone's marriage, the only gay agenda that exists is to
get the same rights and privileges that a marriage contract brings
which apparently go way beyond 1000--some of the are the right to be in
the hospital with my partner if he/I get sick, right to inheritance,
right to make life decisions, file taxes and have access to each others
retirements without having to jump through hurdles that legal contracts
now have-there are lots of laws that affect this and that's all.
don't necessarily wish to marry my partner in a religious ceremony--and especially not in a church that is not affirming. I don't want to
demand a LDS temple marriage, that is not the focus of this movement at
all and anyone who thinks the contrary is out on left field--gay marriage doesn't put anyone's morals, values in question, but those who fight against it are showing their true colors--just think a little bit about that!
Feel free to share this with anyone you see fit--let's get the word out:
Feel free to share this with anyone you see fit--let's get the word out:
--it is time...
it really is time!!